EHA 国际视野丨Jean-Pierre Bourquin教授:急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)药物耐药性的研究进展

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2024/11/7 15:10:36  浏览量:4169



急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)作为一种侵袭性血液肿瘤,对患者的生命构成了严重威胁。尽管近年来在治疗方面取得了显著进展,但药物耐药性问题仍然是提高患者生存率和生活质量的主要障碍。在近期召开的第29届欧洲血液协会年会(EHA 2024)上,苏黎世大学医院Jean-Pierre Bourquin教授的研究成果显得尤为重要,该研究不仅在理解ALL的复杂生物学机制方面做出了重要贡献,而且在药物耐药性研究方面取得了突破性进展。《肿瘤瞭望-血液时讯》现场特邀Bourquin教授分享精准血液学的核心主题,以及他在ALL药物耐药性研究中的关键发现。

Jean-Pierre Bourquin教授:在本届会议上,我们重点介绍了未来四年EHA关注的核心主题——精准血液学。我们阐述了我们计划实施的策略,旨在促进研究工作、进行政策倡导,并在关键利益相关者之间构建联系网络,以加速推动新型临床试验的进行。这些试验将以多臂试验的设计,为患者提供更为精确的诊断方法。
Oncology Frontier-Hematology Frontier:Can you introduce the topic in focus for EHA in the next four years and the actions intended to support this?
Professor Jean-Pierre Bourquin:In this session,we introduced the topic of precision hematology,which will be the focus for EHA over the next four years.We explained the actions we plan to take to support research,lobby,and network among key stakeholders to accelerate new formats for clinical trials.These trials will enable multi-arm trials with more precise assays for patients.Several presentations described new technologies for detecting disease characteristics,classifying diseases better,and deciding on the most suitable treatments.We discussed proteomics to detect signaling in cells and make informed treatment decisions,new data analysis methods for understanding effective drug combinations,and the types of clinical trials we should foster in the upcoming years.The consensus was to develop a pan-European study based on a master protocol,including functional testing to explore new diagnostic approaches in a clinical setting.


Jean-Pierre Bourquin教授:为了能够功能性地探索急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL),我们建立了一个创新的系统,直接利用患者样本进行研究。我们采用了多种方法,以全面探索白血病细胞中的致癌程序,并筛选其对特定药物的依赖性。
此外,我们开发了一个药物反应分析平台,该平台能够在患者样本上进行高通量的药物反应测试。这项技术能够揭示特定白血病亚型的特征,并区分出对药物更耐药或更敏感的患者群体。这种区分对于临床治疗管理具有极其重要的意义。例如,在将患者桥接到CAR-T细胞治疗的过程中,我们的分析平台帮助减轻了治疗相关的毒性,确保患者在最佳状态下接受治疗。我们还利用这些信息,为那些难治性T细胞ALL患者,提供了桥接到干细胞移植或CD7 CAR-T治疗的策略。
Oncology Frontier-Hematology Frontier:Your research has significantly advanced our understanding of drug resistance in trial-based ALL.Can you explain some key findings and their clinical value from your selective study at the FDA?
Professor Jean-Pierre Bourquin:Certainly.We have set up a system to explore acute lymphoblastic leukemia(ALL)functionally,working directly with patient material.We integrate a large number of approaches to capture the oncogenic program in these cells and screen for dependencies.I’ve shown examples of high-risk leukemia subtypes,particularly in relapse,and potential interventions with new agents targeting metabolism based on functional research.Our drug response profiling platform allows high-throughput testing of drug responses directly on patient samples,providing characteristic profiles for leukemia subtypes and distinguishing more resistant or sensitive patients.This has significant implications for clinical management.For instance,we have bridged patients to CAR T therapy with less toxicity,ensuring they are in better shape for the treatment.We also use this information to bridge patients with refractory T-cell ALL to stem cell transplantation or CD7 CAR-T therapy.
Jean-Pierre Bourquin教授的采访突显了精准血液学的进步及其在ALL药物耐药性研究中的影响。对新诊断方法和多臂临床试验的关注有望提高患者的治疗效果并推动血液学领域的发展。特别值得注意的是高通量药物反应分析平台的开发,为个性化治疗和改进的临床管理提供了更清晰的路径。




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